fude/amairo × 御菓子司 塩芳軒
For Kyoto souvenir, you should definitely choose Japanese confectionery. Shioyoshiken is more than 100 years old traditional Japanese confectionery shop, which is located in the town of Nishijin where SŌLI is also deeply connected. Since this shop has no unnecessary things or colors, ude/amairo matched with monotone outfit is just right. Beige, black, and a beautiful green tassel add little spice to the space where is colored quietly.

京織物の街、西陣で創業100年を超える和菓子の名店“塩芳軒”。店 頭に掲げられた、歴史の深さと伝統を感じさせる長暖簾をくぐり、いざ店 内へ。経てきた年月を感じる陳列棚に、季節の干菓子や上生菓子などが 並び、京都らしい手仕事の意匠が感じられる。寒くなると食べたくなる懐 中汁粉「みのる里」など、季節のものが和菓子好きの心を浮き立たせてく れる。
One of the most famous Japanese confectionery shop Shioyoshiken, which has more than 100 years of history, is located in the town of Kyoto style textile, Nishijin. Let’s go inside of the shop by passing through the long historical and traditional long curtain. You can feel the Kyoto handiwork artistic professionalism by the well-aged display, seasonal dry and raw Japanese sweets. The Kaichujiruko “Minoruzato”, which sharpens the appetite as temperature drops down, and other seasonal sweets excites the Japanese confectionery fans.

御菓子司 塩芳軒 京都府京都市上京区黒門通中立売上ル飛騨殿町180 TEL 075-441-0803 営9:00~17:30 日曜・祝日定休/月1回水曜日(不定)
180, Hidadonocho, Kamigyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 602-8235, Japan TEL +81(0)75-441-0803
fude/amairo 30,000yen + tax