fude/moegi × 泉涌寺
京都に数あるお寺の中でSŌLIがおすすめしたいのは、知る人ぞ知る“御寺 泉涌寺”。大門をくぐって参道から仏殿と山を望む景色が、とにかくカッコいい。フォーマルなブラックと、自然に馴染むグリーンのバイカラーのfude/moegiを伴う。両面ともに上質な牛革を使用したマットな仕上げで、吸い付くような手触りが特徴。モノトーンの洋服にグリーンを効かせた装いが、まるで眼前に広がる景色のようだ。
Out of many temples in Kyoto, the one that SŌLI wants to recommend is Mitera Sennyuji temple. The reason why is because the main building, which is lead by a big gate and the entrance path, and mountainous view are super cool. The formal black and the natural green bicolor fude/moegi go well with the view. The both sides are given a finishing touch with matte high quality cowhide; therefore the unique characteristic that feels like it is sticking to your hands is made. Coordinating this green with monotone outfit creates the image just like the scenery right in front of your eyes from the temple.

We wish that you could enjoy the feeling that is created by the history at this Sennyuji, which is located at Higashiyama. To give a little explanation, there is a family temple that holds the death of emperor Go-Horikawa, who was governing the Kamakura-era, and the following successors until the Bakumatsu, and Mitera Sennyuji was called as the Imperial Family’s mausoleum. The main temple building and the view from the foot of Mountain Tsukinowayama is the popular spot from the Kyoto-lovers as your body and soul get purified.

総本山 御寺 泉涌寺 京都市東山区泉涌寺山内町27 TEL TEL 075-561-1551 参拝時間午前9時~午後4時30分(但し、12月1日~2月末日までは午後4時まで)
27, Sennyuji Yamanouchicho, Higashiyama-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 605-0977, Japan TEL +81(0)75-561-1551
fude/moegi 30,000yen + tax