NEO shikaku × %Arabica Kyoto Arashiyama
わざわざコーヒー1杯だけでも足を向けたいお店が嵐山にある。それはArabica Kyoto Arashiyama。歩きやすいぺたんこ靴に、少し厚めのストール。肩から提げたneo shikaku に、お財布とiPhoneとデジカメだけをほおりこんで。シンプルなデザインだからこそ際立つ、柔らかいヌバックの質感や落ち感は、バッグというより洋服を少しモードにしあげてくれるアクセサリーのような感覚。気張らない散策時間に連れて行きたいそんなバッグだ。
There is a place where people dare to go for just one cup of coffee in Arashiyama. That is Arabica Kyoto Arashiyama. Wth shoes comfortable to walk with, with a little thick stole, and putting a wallet and iPhone into neo shikaku worn on shoulder. Because of its soft texture with the simple design, it rather feels like an accessory than just a bag, that completes the mode look. It is the bag that you will want to take a relaxing walk with.

嵐電にゆられ、嵐山へ。渡月橋の前を少し西へ進むと、白壁とガラスのモダンな外観、“% ARABICA Kyoto Arashiyama(アラビカ京都 嵐山)”が現れる。昨年京都/東山に国内1号店をオープンして以来、美味しいコーヒーとオシャレな“%”ロゴで一躍人気の“% ARABICA Kyotoの2号店だ。世界最高峰と言われるエスプレッソマシン、スレイヤーや、日本製トルネードキングの焙煎機など、無駄なものを削ぎ落とした美しい造形の機械たちが、洗練された空間にマッチしている。
To Arashiyama by riding on Araden train. When you go further on west passing Togetsukyo bridge, you will find the white wall and glass that are very modern and % ARABICA Kyoto Arashiyama, which is the second store of very popular coffee shop known by its stylish logo “%” ever since the opening of its first store in Higashiyama last year. There are the machineries, which are beautifully shaped and scraped off any unnecessary things and said to be the one of the best espresso machine, slayer and the Tornado King coffee roaster, are the perfect match with the sophisticated atmosphere.

アラビカ京都 嵐山 京都市右京区嵯峨天龍寺芒ノ馬場町3-47 TEL 075-748-0057 営8:00〜18:00 不定休
3-47, Sagatenryuji Susukinobabacho, Ukyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 616-8385, Japan TEL +81(0)75-748-0057
NEO shikaku 28,500yen + tax